is this some kind of interactive theater art piece?

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Children's Blizzard 1-32

The prologue begins with the date January 12, 1888. A huge blizzard happend in the United States over the northwest area; Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska. The day started off nice and sunny so children went to school without jackets and thought nothing of it. But as the day went on the temperature started dropping and snow started falling many children were killed trying to walk home from school because of the snow, in a windchill 40 below zero. A lot of people blamed the deaths on wheather men because they did not warn the people that a storm was coming but, they did not have adaquet equiptment anyways. This bilizzard is known as the SchoolChildrens Blizzard because of the amount of dead children.

Chapter 1
During this time a lot of people migrated to the US from different countries in Europe. They came here because there was alot of land for their crops and to raise families. They heard it percipitates often to water their crops. Some germans traveled here because they wanted religious freedoms. It was a rough part to live in some times but the immagrants took the good with the bad and looked for new opportunites.

That is so sad to hear how many people died that way. It makes me glad that I don't live that far up north. But then again, we live in Indiana. There are so many stories and different families it is hard to keep track of them.

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