is this some kind of interactive theater art piece?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pages 55-91

The day after the creation of Mark's website he realizes that he could get in trouble for the site. Immediately he disables the link but its too late. Many students had already seen it and an article was published in the school paper. consequently, the school finds out and Mark has to go in front of the school board and apologizes for hacking their system. They basically gave him a warning and let him go. However, because of the article in the newspaper the Winklevoss brothers and Divya contacted Mark. They thought he was the perfect person to create their website, HarvardConnection. So Mark met with them and agreed to do the site.

Meanwhile, Eduardo is finally initiated into the club Phoenix. Mark started brainstorming and he came up with better ideas for the site. Behind the Winkleovss's backs he started "The Facebook". It was the same thing as HarvardConnection only it was interactive and for more than just dating. Mark asked Eduardo to be his partner because Eduardo had the money and soon, with the acceptance of Phoenix, he would have a lot more friends.

I really like this book so far and it's a good story. The reason why i decided to read it in the first place was because i wanted to see the movie. Everyone knows that the book is always better than the movie. It is kind of crazy to think that facebook was only made a few years ago. It went from exclusively Harvard to all colleges. Now it's moved on to high school students, and even annoying parents have them. You could ask almost anyone, and they would say they've heard of facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg

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