is this some kind of interactive theater art piece?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Interviews of High School Seniors

The marijuana baker seems kind of stupid. He claims that he likes "finding ways to help people". But i don't think you can do that by baking stuff that has weed in it. I don't think that he will be successful with this or make any money from it.
Tudel Riek's plans are a little unrealistic. He says he just wants to do anything with sports, he doesn't really know what. He just wants to make money but he doesn't know how or what skills he needs to do those things. I think I would relate most to Damian Dumas because i am interested in working with young people. I like listening to other people's problems and helping. I love being able to help people out. And also with Elivia Freeman. I don't see anything in my future that would make me wealthy. But i do want to be comfortable with my money situation.

In ten years I would like to see myself with a stable job. I thought i wanted to be a teacher because I love kids and helping people. I am a very organized person and i like to plan. So I felt like that would be the perfect area for me. I don't expect to make a lot of money but I don't want to struggle. I don't have any crazy dreams or expectations I would like to meet. I would just like to be successful in whatever I decided to do and live a happy fulfilled life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1000 Awesome Things

#281 The Loudest Guy at the game
Okay..this one might be awesome for a little while but he gets annoying really fast.

#284 When the chapters in your book are really short
I love this! especially when you're forced to read something for school. And for etymology, they're really easy to summarize.

#287 When your child reads you a bedtime story
I love kids, and i love being read to. Awesome.

Looking Back...

The Accidental Billionaire: Pages 1-258 (Literary Fiction)
Eat Pray Love: Pages 1-334 (Literary Fiction)
Palo Alto: Pages 1-150 (Pop)

The books i have read, and blogged about so far are: The Accidental Billionaires, Eat Pray Love, and Palo Alto. I would have to say my favorite of those 3 was Accidental Billionaires. I liked reading about an event that actually happened and people that actually existed. But, it wasn't a boring documentary. It was about a few guys in college and something awesome happened to them. They also made a movie about it which was cool.
The book that i disliked was Eat Pray Love. It wasn't bad but, it was kind of drawn out. I couldn't relate to a 40 year old woman dealing with a divorce. But, I decided to continue anyway. This will not be an author that I will continue to read books from. I discovered that I read books faster when i can relate to them. I like books where there is some kind of tragedy or dilemma. They get boring when no drama is going on.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Palo Alto stories Pages 97-165

April (in 3 parts)
Part 1&2
April is about a kid named Fred. He is not the brightest guy. His friend saw him doing crack at a party but he still drove home with him. The car started swirving so the friend asked to get out of the car. After that he runs through a stop sign and hits a women's car then drives away. But, the cops end up pulling him over. He fails the soberiety test and is arrested. While in court he obviously does not care at all what is going on. And because he has never been caught doing anything before they let him off easy but give him 60 hours of community service. He was forced to appolgize to the woman he hit and she forgave him. He ends up doing his community service at a library. He was suppose to organize childrens books and puts them away. But instead he just read them, the librarians didn't seem to mind. Untill the friend that was in the car with him started coming to visit. They would draw inappropriet things in the childrens books. Then he tried to carve some girls name in their bench. After that he was forced to discontinue his work at the library. His probation officer forces him to finish it out at the Sycamore towers. He basically took care of the old people and changed their bedpans. He actually found an art class near the towers and he would attend. Then he would drawl while doing his community service. He mostly drew an old woman named Tanya. In his art classes they start to drawl nude people. He starts drawling this old lady who has a pretty smile. She loves his drawlings and hangs them up in her room. This leads him to meet her daughter. Then the short story ends.

It is nice that he started to find a hobby instead of drinking and doing crack. Obviously his friends were a bad infulence on him. Getting in that car accident was probably a good thing to happen to him. I think him finding that old woman to draw was suppose to the good ending to the story. Like maybe good things will continue from here.

Part 3 (April)
The third part of the story is actually about april. She is a young girl in the 8th grade. She played soccer for her school but she smoked alot. Her coach's name is Mr. B and he asks her to babysit for him. After babysitting Mr.B comes back to his house and brings April to her friends party. Before she gets out of the car he kisses her.
Soon she spends all of her time at his house. She ditches hanging out with people her age to go to his house. A while later Mr.B's son says something about his "other" babysitter. She just walks out of his house and leaves forever.

The first part of this story was kind of slow. It gets kind of boring reading about horrible kids screwing up their lives. Its really discusting that this 8th grader was smoking constantly like and adult, and hooking up with and adult.

Tar Baby
This story is about a bunch of teenage guys sitting around on the weekend. They don't know what to do so they drink. A.J. Sims calls some girls to meet them on a playground. They don't show so they decied to go to a party instead. But one of the guys starts making fun of A.J. so he gets mad and leaves him on a playground, by himself, drunk. The guy finds a marker that the other kid left and starts writting all over the playground and other propority on his way to the party. Once he gets here he is really drunk and gets arrested. The end.

This story was dumb. It was a waste of time to read.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Palo Alto stories Pages 67-96

Camp is about some jewish guy that goes to camp. He looses his virginity to a girl named Susan. Everyone makes fun of his friend because he had sex with a black girl and he's jewish. In all, the whole things pretty racist. It has a lot of random facts and stories rolled into one. None of it really makes sense. This story was also pretty dumb.

This guy was at a middle school playing soccer when he sees these two girls. One of the girls is asain, he says she is ugly but has a nice body. She ends up agreeing to go to one of his friends house where they get high and have sex together. They talked on the phone a few times. But one day he and his friends go over to pick her up. She performs oral sex on all of his friends, while they all whatch. There were some other events that happend that I don't want to mention. Then one of his friends that works at a restaurant told him if he could get Pam to do things with him he would give the guy a free dinner. So she did and he got his free dinner. Then other people who worked there wanted the same thing. A few days later Pam stopped making contact with this guy and started talking the "smart girls" of the school. She wore more conservative clothes. Four months later this guy is arrested for prositution, along with one of his friends.

This story was really discusting....I didn't understand why this girl was willing to do all of these things but he got arrested for prostitution. It wasn't like these guys forced her to do anything. She basically volunteered. But, it still was not right at all for those guys to do those things to her.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Palo Alto stories Pgs.1-66

In the first sentence of this story the reader is informed that a boy named Ryan killed a woman on halloween. Then it goes on to tell how this boy is drinking, but he really shouldn't be because he is already on probation for being a minor under the infulence. Then you find out that his girlfriend does acid with other guys, and that makes him jelous. Obviously we have a real winner here. So they were drinking at some friends house when a parent comes home. So about 8 people squeeze into a Honda Accord. They all go to Alice's party and Ryan makes out with another girl (not his girlfriend). He gets a call from someone saying that his girlfriend is cheating so he rushes out of the party in anger. On this way out, he hits a librarian walking across the road and drives away. No one ever caught him and he suffered no consequences.

All I have to comment on is this guy. He is basically a loser. It was sad to read this story knowing that it does actually happen and there are people like that out there.

This story is about a girl that just moved schools and has no friends. The reason why it is called Lockheed is because that was where she did her summer internship. Which instead of working she drew. Her only friend was her cousin Jamie who invited her to a house party. When they got there she didnt talk to anyone and sat on a couch by herself. Then Ronny Feldman sat down next to her. They started talking and she loved that he was the only one being nice to her. While they are talking some guy comes up and saying something to him and they start fighting. They went outside and by the time the girl also got outside Ronny was lying on the ground. Everyone cleared away when a big white SUV came through the yard and ran over Ronny. He died and she stopped drawling.

This story was so sad. I had to stop and think about it for a second because it shocked me. But, it's cool that i have been to the compay Lockheed where she was interning. Its kind of like and airforce thing, where they bulit stuff for it. My dad used to work there for a few years in Florida.

American History
American History is about a sophmore in high school named jeremy. He is in history class and they are acting out a sceen about slavery. His partner gets really defensive when he makes racist comments and he notices it makes this girl smile. So he keeps on pushing the kids buttons and everyone in the class is laughing about how mad this guy is getting. Later after school he decides to call this girl to hang out: it doesn't go well. The next day in gym he is jumped by the kid he was making fun of in history but he still decides to go to his next class. The teacher makes him leave and on his way out he yells "i did it for you" to the girl. But while in the office he finds out that girl was a huge slut. So, it wasn't even worth it.

Killing Animals
Killing animals is basically about some kid that likes to shoot birds and animals with his bb guns and paintball guns with his friends. One day he trys to hit something but it hits a window and shatters it. A man comes chasing after them and tells them that normally his baby sleeps under that window. Luckily she wasn't there. They say sorry and leave. They also suffered no consequences and will probably continue to be annoying people that this earth does not need anymore of.

This story wasn't that great. The kids were annoying and I didn't want to read about them killing helpless animals.

Emily is a girl who participates in many sexual acts, not a very good person. While at a party she finds some guy she barley knows and brings him up to a room. She does things with him and then they go back down stairs. She sees that guy talking and lauging with Adam. At another party Adam leads her to the neighbors pool. He starts to take his clothes off and gets in the pool but she refuses to get in. So he pushes her in with all of her clothes on and leaves her. Later when she is at her house she hears a constant knocking at her door. She doesn't answer it but she thinks its Adam, always bothering her.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Visual Timeline

The first childrens book that stood out to me was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. When I was a kid I whatched Alice in Wonderland over and over again. It was probably my favorite movie. I had no idea there was a book called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Which is where the movie probably came from. I actually saw the modern Alice in wonderland and it did not do the story much justice. The whole thing looked really cool but it was too different to understand.
The Wizzard of Oz was also a favorite of mine. I even had the little dorthy sparkly red shoes. They were adorable. All of my childhood books were made before I was even born. I probably owned every Dr. suse book ever made like Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street.

Part time jobs

My best friend just recently found a part-time job after a year of searching. It's hard to get used to because you have to plan things and it is hard to make time to spend together. It seems like everywhere you go now you see someone from your school working. Which, can cause some akward moments. Even though im only 17 it feels like everyone is getting so much older!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Children's Blizzard 1-32

The prologue begins with the date January 12, 1888. A huge blizzard happend in the United States over the northwest area; Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska. The day started off nice and sunny so children went to school without jackets and thought nothing of it. But as the day went on the temperature started dropping and snow started falling many children were killed trying to walk home from school because of the snow, in a windchill 40 below zero. A lot of people blamed the deaths on wheather men because they did not warn the people that a storm was coming but, they did not have adaquet equiptment anyways. This bilizzard is known as the SchoolChildrens Blizzard because of the amount of dead children.

Chapter 1
During this time a lot of people migrated to the US from different countries in Europe. They came here because there was alot of land for their crops and to raise families. They heard it percipitates often to water their crops. Some germans traveled here because they wanted religious freedoms. It was a rough part to live in some times but the immagrants took the good with the bad and looked for new opportunites.

That is so sad to hear how many people died that way. It makes me glad that I don't live that far up north. But then again, we live in Indiana. There are so many stories and different families it is hard to keep track of them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eat Pray Love Pages 283-334 (end)

Liz starts to spend more and more time with this new guy named Felipe. He is 52 years old and she is 35, which is a big age difference. In the begining they just spend time together. Liz refuses to do anything more. But eventually they fall in love with eachother. Liz decides he will be the exception.

After Liz raises enough money for Wayan to by a new house they have to look for the right one. Weeks pass and Wayan has not found one and she makes up excuses. There are 2 more weeks left untill Liz leaves and she is starting to think Wayan tricked her. But Liz ends up tricking Wayan into buying a new home after all.

To spend her last few days Liz and Felipe go on a small vacation in Bali. To end the book, Liz and Felipe have to find out what they are going to do becaue she cannot stay in Bali. Felipe has to stay there because of his buisness and it is close to Austrailia, where his kids live. He also visits Brazil often. Liz has to go back to her family and friends in America. So they decide they are going to have a relationship but fly back and forth to eachother.

Half way through this book I knew I did not like it but I decided to keep on reading. Having finished it, I still do not like it. Some of the stories were okay but over all the book was kind of boring. And the ending was kind of too fairy tale-ish. I think its great they love each other and all, but it is a little unrealistic for someone living in America to be in relationship with someone in Indoneisa, Brazil, and Austrailia. Now I understand how she was able to stay in foregin countries for a year with no money problems. She probably came from a rich family. I'm glad that Wayan finally bought a house however.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Eat Pray Love Pages 262-282

After falling off of her bike Liz visits a little shop to fix her knee. The woman who owns it's name is Wayan and she has a young daughter named tutti. Wayan does not have much money at all beacuse she divorced her husband, like Liz. She sold everything she had to afford a lawyer to keep her daughter. However she still adopted adopted 2 other young helpless girls she found. Liz ends up making friends with Wayan. And every morning she spends with Wayan and Tutti. While every evening she spends with ketut.

One day one of Wayan's friends comes over. Her name is Armenia and she is brazillian and very beautiful. Liz starts to make friends with her also but she will have to leave indonisia soon anyway. Armenia takes Liz out one night and lets her borrow some jewlery and a dress. While they are out Liz starts flirting and she meets a few new guys. One in particular is about 10 years older than her. They start spending alot of time together and Liz starts to like him.

Meanwhile, Liz's birthday is coming up. Usually she has a party and people spend a bunch of money on her gifts. But this year she decides to send an email out to her friends and family explaining Wayan's situtation. Shes asks them all to donate money for a new house for Wayan instead of gifts for her and she'll match whatever they donate. In the end Liz ends up raising 18,000 american dollars which is alot more in indonesia. Wayan is estatic and already knows exactly what her house will look like.

Its weird that little things like flirting are unusual for Liz. I don't like that she's met a new guy though. Her whole trip was suppose to be about herself and being by herself. The whole time I am reading this story i am wondering how she can afford to spend a year in new countries. Meanwhile not working at all. Did she save up for this or something? And it was a great idea for her to raise the money for that family instead of herself.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Eat Pray Love Pages 230-262

Liz finally meets the medicine man that said to come back and visit her years ago. At first he does not remember her at all and it frustrates her. But she begins to remind him about how he said she would teach him english because he was the writter from New York. Immediatley he says that she can come to his house everyday and spend time with him. Liz doesnt ask about living with him because his wife was there and gave her dirty looks.

Everyday Liz spends time with the man and sees first hand how he helps families. alot of people want help with their children or palm readings. She keeps him company and shares her stories about the places she has been and customs in America. She does not end up teaching him much english. However, Liz finds her own house to rent. It is beautiful and surrounded by a garden.

She meets a new friend named Yudhi, who rented her house to her. Liz loves that he plays guitar beautifully.

I was relieved to read that the medicine man remembered Liz. If he didn't she would have to leave Bali after one month and never finsish her journey. The stories that he tells Liz are cool and every she learns more about him.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


All of the kids would love to win but they all have different motivations. For the Indian kid, his parents pushed him alot. He had alot of pressure coming from his parents to do well. It seems like he doesn't have very much fun in his life. Another little boy, number 8, he was excited and cheerful during the entire competion. It seems like he has fun with everything he does. His mom supports him all of the way. Its like he actually enjoys doing spelling bees.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eat Pray Love Pages 197-229

Liz found out about this divine expirence called Turiya. It is basically a time of complete happiness when, not even your thoughts matter and you are with God. She explains that she cannot stay in that state because she hasn't fully understood it yet.

Toward the end of her stay, Liz was able to meditate about 5 hours a day. She can finally spend time by herself in content. She leaves ashram at 4 am and before she goes she writes 2 poems about her stay and puts them under a cherrished statue. Her trip to India is complete.

Liz arrives in Bali with no plans. She is quickly informed that tourists are only allowed to stay one month, which is a problem. She thinks back to when the Medicine man told her she was going to come live with him in Indonesia. In the mean time, first she vistits Ubud at the center of Bali. In Bali everyone is defined by the work they do. There children are basically named first, second, third, and fourth. And when they grow up they add their buisness to their name.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3.1 Diction Exercise: Poetry

First Kiss by April Lindener


Connotation: discouraged, bleak
Concretness: lucid, clear

(c) In First Kiss, Lindner attempts to cozen the reader into a pleasing love story, only for them to be greeted at the end with her pessimistic take on relationships.