In chapter 32, Liz visits Florence for a weekend. She ends up flirting with a man in Italian and is proud of herself. Not because of the flirting but because of her speaking abilites. She finds another really great Italian restaraunt. Later, her friend Linda meets up with her in Venice. They met on a trip to Bali. Linda is older than Liz but she is very beautiful. Her husband just left her andshe was left to run the family buissness in Venice. It is a pretty dangerous place and she also does not stay very long.
Liz finally realizes that, as much as she loves it, she does not belong in Rome. She is still trying to figure out what defines herself.
Luca Spaghetti's birthday arrives on Thanksgiving and he claimes that he wants turkey. But, he does not know how long it takes to make a Thanksgiving dinner. His birthday consisted of three different languages: English, Italian, and sweedish. But, some how they all managed to understand eachother and have a good time. As they go around the table and explain what they are thankful for Liz cannot find the words. So she basically says she is thankful for her old and new friends. Everyone around the table starts to cry.
After that night Liz finds that she has outgrown yet another pair of pants. She has gained a total of 23 pounds while in Italy. That does not bother her at all because she knows it will come off when she goes to India and she was very thin to begin with.
During Liz's last few days in Rome she finds more amazing food. She looks back at her time spent on eating, learning the language, and enjoying the sceen. She does not regret any of it and is a happier person.
I actually learned alot of facts about Italy in this first section of the book. It is deffinalty alot different from the US. It's nice that Liz had a good time in Italy but i feel bad for her friends that she is leaving behind to go to India. I'm wondering if she feels that she doesn't belong in Rome, does that mean she might end up in India, or Indonesia?
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