is this some kind of interactive theater art piece?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pages 210-258

The Winklevoss twins are at a rowing championship in England. It is a very big deal to them and they are honored to be there. However, a Dutch team beats them by 2 seconds. After the race they are congratulated by the host. They start talking and the host brings up facebook. He says his daughter has one and gives it praise. This infuriates the twins. Facebook is not only popular in the United States, but it has traveled across the world.

Now Eduardo is furious with Mark and Sean. After working hard in New York and setting up meetings with advisers he felt really good about himself. Until, he called Mark to tell him the good news only to be shot down. Mark did not care about the progress Eduardo had made. Sean jumped on the phone to inform Eduardo that he had set up a few meetings with advisers also. Mark continued to stress how Eduardo should move to California. After sending Mark a complaint letter and getting no results Eduardo decided to freeze the account. Mark would not be able to cash checks or take money out of the account.

To sum up the end of the book, Sean Parker and Eduardo Savern are both cut from facebook. Sean gets arrested at a party with underage drinkers and drugs. Mark decides he brings a negative image and fires him. After Eduardo freezes the accounts Mark cannot trust him anymore. Eduardo is also no longer apart of facebook anymore. The Winklevoss Twins ended up suing Mark for 65 million dollars. Eduardo finally got the credit he deserved. He will forever be the "cofounder". Facebook continued to progress and today there are over 2 million users. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the richest 25 year olds in the world.

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